Are Your DEI Efforts Making an Impact?
Events of the last few years have pushed organizations to amplify their efforts in support of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). While the emphasis on DEI has come to the forefront of conversation more recently, it has always been a core value in the Arts.
Ensuring that DEI efforts are genuine and impactful can quickly become a slippery slope. This is even more crucial for arts organizations tasked with higher stakes to show up with impactful solutions that will resonate with audiences. Arts and culture organizations must reflect the diverse values and perspectives of the communities they serve, who in turn patronize their organizations.
From internal changes to programming and outreach, here are a few ways you can ensure your DEI efforts are hitting the right marks and making a positive impact.
Produce a variety of programming that appeals to different communities.
One of the simplest ways to attract a more diverse audience is to offer a wide range of programming that appeals to different communities. For example, an opera company might produce operas in different languages or contemporary works to attract younger audiences. It is essential to research and understand the needs and interests of the communities you are trying to reach to create programming that genuinely resonates with them.
Use language and visuals that are inclusive and representative of the communities you serve.
Ensure that all promotional materials, such as flyers and posters, use inclusive language and visuals that accurately reflect the diversity of the communities you are trying to reach. It is crucial to consult with diverse communities to ensure the materials are appropriate and not tokenistic. Additionally, home in on your marketing investments - are they intentional and not inadvertently excluding certain groups? Promote your organization’s social impact in your community by highlighting where you give back and how your giving makes a difference.
Partner with local organizations that serve diverse communities.
Forming partnerships with local organizations that serve diverse communities can help to build bridges and increase the visibility of your productions. These partnerships position your organization as an ally in the fight for social justice rather than an outsider trying to impose certain viewpoints or turn a profit.
Offer special events and programs for underrepresented communities.
Consider hosting special events and programs that are specifically designed for underrepresented communities, such as people with disabilities, ethnic and racial minorities, and LGBTQ+ individuals. These events could include discussion forums, film screenings, and live performances that celebrate the unique cultural experiences of these communities. By creating space and programming designed for underrepresented groups, arts organizations can show that they genuinely value and are interested in engaging with these communities.
Provide accessibility and accommodations.
Make sure your space is accessible to everyone by providing accommodations such as wheelchair ramps, audio description, and captioning/ASL interpretation. These small efforts can go a long way in making your events more inclusive and welcoming to diverse audiences. Arts organizations must also consider the financial barriers that prevent some communities from attending shows, such as high ticket prices. Efforts to reduce these barriers, such as offering discounts or pay-what-you-can options, can help to create a more inclusive and accessible environment.
DEI efforts in the arts can and should be approached with authenticity, sincerity, and a genuine desire to make a difference. Arts organizations must work to ensure that their programming and outreach efforts are designed with the community's needs and interests in mind. By taking intentional steps to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment, arts organizations can genuinely contribute to building a more equitable society that services their entire community and expands access and inclusion for all to experience the beauty of the Arts.